Monday, June 3, 2013

News: Safe Dating, Social Emotional Learning and Athletics at AISD

On May 14, all Austin ISD High School Athletic Directors received training on five relationship lessons including topics on dating abuse and sexual assault.  The lessons were developed collaboratively by Keeth Matheny, teacher at Austin High School, and Randy Randolph of SafePlace.  Athletic Directors received the training in order to teach the lessons to their student athletes.  In addition to the other social and emotional learning (SEL) lessons during the year, with topics such as teamwork, empathy, and decision making, the department of SEL, SafePlace, and AISD Athletic Director Tommy Cox created character development lessons.  There are plans to roll out modified lessons to middle school athletes and high school band students next school year.

The Office of Innovation and Development is currently assisting the Department of Social and Emotional Learning in their $1 Million match campaign to expand SEL to all AISD Students. For more information,  read this entry :

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